7.30pm 19th Nov 2019
TR Hayes Lounge,
Twerton Park, Bath
This is a chance to celebrate your rights and responsibilities as a member of our Community owned Football Club, to keep abreast of progress and to help move the Society and the club forward. You will have the opportunity to vote on a motion relating to the Membership fee structure, hear updates on key aspects of the Football Club before an open floor Q&A session. The proposed agenda is:
- Report by the Chair: Overview of achievements and objectives
- Motion to propose a simpler and more inclusive membership fee structure
"This IGM calls on the Society to introduce a flat rate membership fee for individual members. This should initially be set at £5pa with effect from 1 January 2020"
Proposer: Oliver Holtaway, Seconder: Paul Brotherton, Membership Secretary (see attached Q&A).
- Update on Supporter engagement and communication improvements
- Update on the review of the Society's constitution
- Update on Supporter and members’ consultation on the design options for Twerton Park
- Q&A
We will conduct a ballot on the evening amongst attendees.
If you wish to vote by proxy then you must send an email to request this BEFORE the IGM to [email protected] and nominate someone who you know will be attending to vote on your behalf.
Michael Clayton (Chair)