- Chairman’s Report and Q&A
- Treasurer’s Report
- Reappointment of auditors
- Election results announcement
- Debate on motions
We are inviting all members to vote for positions on the Society Committee and Club Board in advance of the AGM.
Society Committee Election
We have received five nominations for the six vacancies available. In line with our election policy, each candidate will be subject to a simple yes/no vote. All candidate statements can be found by clicking this link.
Club Board Election
We have received one nomination for Supporter Liaison Officer. In line with our election policy, the candidate will be subject to a simple yes/no vote. The candidate’s statement can be found by clicking this link.
No nominations were received for Commercial Director. The Society Committee will now work with the Club Board to co-opt a Commercial Director. If you are interested in the role, please contact [email protected].
Following a recent decision of the Society Committee, all motions will be voted on during the AGM, once there has been an opportunity during the AGM for members to debate it, including proposing amendments. No voting on motions will take place online following the AGM, so please join on the night (in-person or virtually) if you want to vote on motions.
Two motions have been submitted for consideration, given below:
The Society should ensure that, where possible, Bath City FC has no direct association with or contract with, any external gambling companies, other than lotteries, and does not promote gambling companies, other than lotteries, in any of the Club’s official output.
[Proposer: Alan Finney; Seconder: Martin Powell]
The Society should ensure that, where possible, Bath City FC should avoid the display of logos of any external gambling companies, other than lotteries, within any interviews officially posted on YouTube.
[Proposer: Alan Finney; Seconder: Martin Powell]
How to Vote
Members with email addresses will shortly receive a link to vote online for the SLO and Society Committee elections. Members without email addresses will receive postal ballots.
Again, please note that all voting on motions will take place during the AGM, so please join in person or online if you would like to debate and decide on the motions.
Pete McCormack (Society Chair)
Oliver Holtaway (Election Officer)
Al Lord (Election Observer)
Bath City Supporters' Society
NB. The Society’s rules state that the Society Committee shall comprise of not less than 9 and not more than 12 Society members. Also, the Society Committee has the authority to co-opt people in the event of there being casual vacancies or to bring in people with specific expertise.