Who we areThe Bath City Supporters Society is a Supporters Trust: a democratic members' organisation in the form of a Community Benefit Society.
Following a community share issue in 2016 that raised over £365,000, the Society became Bath City FC's controlling shareholder, holding 55% of the voting rights of the Club. This makes Bath City FC a community-owned club. The Society appoints six of the Club's nine directors, including the Club Chair. These six directors are elected by members, ensuring that the voice of our membership is heard on key matters. Reports of Club Board meetings are available here. The Society is governed by a 12-person committee, elected by members each year at the AGM. Members can also be co-opted to the committee to fill vacancies or skills gaps. Click here for details of the current committee members, and click here for meeting reports. |
Community Benefit Purpose and AimsThe Society's Community Benefit Purpose is to be the vehicle through which a healthy, balanced and constructive relationship between the Club and its supporters and the communities it serves is encouraged and developed.
It does this by:
How to Join
The Supporters Society is open to all and we always welcome new members. You can now join the Society for £5 a year - click here for more details.
Why join? The main benefit is having a real say and vote in the important issues affecting the club via the Society's majority shareholding. The Society also welcomes fresh ideas and initiatives from City fans of all backgrounds and walks of life.
Why join? The main benefit is having a real say and vote in the important issues affecting the club via the Society's majority shareholding. The Society also welcomes fresh ideas and initiatives from City fans of all backgrounds and walks of life.