This is an important decision for the future of the football club and we believe every member has a duty to make an informed decision on the topic. The Society Board has reviewed the Feasibility study and numerous other supporting documents, we have listened to the views of members, supporters, residents and others and we have debated this thoroughly. We believe that it is in the best interests of Bath City Football Club to pursue this option. We recognise the 3 key themes that underpin the initiative and support the conclusions reached by the Club Board on each.
The Society Board is mindful of the recent members’ survey which placed sustainability as the No. 1 priority for the club. We believe that, providing a suitable funding model can be attained, the latent demand for an artificial pitch in BANES is such that it will become a significant source of revenue and a cornerstone of the evolving Bath City Business Plan - as the business model in the Feasibility Study indicates. We are not aware of any other single initiative that has the potential to make this positive impact.
The Club is committed to being part of and contributing to the Community. The increased use and awareness of Twerton Park that a “FIFA Quality Pro” pitch will bring - both for the BCFC / Bath footballing community and the wider the residents of Twerton and BANES - can only be beneficial and are integral to evolving Twerton Park into a hub for all 7 days a week.
We are satisfied that the Club Board and the Feasibility study have addressed all the tangible /qualitative aspects of a “FIFA Quality Pro” pitch. We recognise that the EFL do not currently allow artificial pitches and so will watch closely when the matter is debated and voted upon again by EFL members in June. Our aim is not to jeopardise promotion should the opportunity arise. We are convinced that the quality of the playing surface we have identified has matured to the point that it plays ‘true’, as evidenced by its use in international matches and top-flight European football leagues.
Please join us in voting “Yes”. Here is alink to the details of the members voting details.
If you have any questions, concerns or observations, pleasecontact [email protected]